Customer Relation Software
for the Modern Agency


Offer your services to people who need it.

Tap to Pay

Collect money with no extra hardware.

Business Page

Showcase your work without a website.

Automatic Scheduling

Book clients without waiting for humans.

PayPer is a powerful and flexible platform for new and current businesses — from the office to the field. Our services work together to help you solve problems, find clients, and get paid.

"It's never been easier to start a business and make money. PayPer is a massive boost for current businesses, and a must-have for new businesses."

- Raymond Pattend, CEO of PayPer

Sit Back.
We'll handle the hard work.

Handling various business channels like Payments, Marketing, and Scheduling can be overwhelming; we'll take care of the hard parts, letting you prioritize the important things first.

Lowest Industry Pricing


All transactions incur a base fee on Stripe of 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction.*
You can choose if the customer, or you, cover this fee.

Are you a non-profit or student* lead organization? Contact Sales for a free 6 months.

Questions? Answers.